The Militant, v. 3, n. 34-3. 01/12/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 01/12/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Railroad Brotherhoods Meet. In: The Militant, n. 34-3. 01/12/1930
Swabeck, Arne
How Stalin-Bucharin Destroyed the Chinese Revolution. In: The Militant, n. 34-3. 01/12/1930
Hsiu Du, Tchen
Stalin Grants Two Interviews. In: The Militant, n. 34-3. 01/12/1930
Shachtman, Max
Social Reformism in the United States. In: The Militant, n. 34-3. 01/12/1930
Oehler, Hugo
The Life of the Exiled and Imprisoned Russian Opposition. In: The Militant, n. 34-3. 01/12/1930
Markin, N
The Militant, v. 3, n. 33-3. 15/11/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Plot Against the Soviets. In: The Militant, n. 33-3. 15/11/1930
Shachtman, Max
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 15/11/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The A.F. of L. Convention and the November Election. In: The Militant, n. 33-3. 15/11/1930
Shachtman, Max
How Stalin-Bucharin Destroyed the Chinese Revolution. In: The Militant, n. 33-3. 15/11/1930
Hsiu Du, Tchen
Molotov\u0092s Prosperity in Knowledge. In: The Militant, n. 33-3. 15/11/1930
Trotsky, Leon
The Militant, v. 3, n. 32-3. 01/11/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 01/11/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
13 Years of Russian Revolution!. In: The Militant, n. 32-3. 01/11/1930
Shachtman, Max
On the Proposal for a New Farmer-Labor Party Fraud. In: The Militant, n. 32-3. 01/11/1930
Shachtman, Max
The Civil War in Brazil. In: The Militant, n. 32-3. 01/11/1930
Blackwell, Russell
Where Is Thaelmann Leading the German Party?. In: The Militant, n. 32-3. 01/11/1930
Landau, Kurt
The Militant, v. 3, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 01/10/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The C.P.G. in the Campaign. In: The Militant, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
Gordon, Sam
Hoover Advises Labor. In: The Militant, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
Shachtman, Max
Wrong and Right Tactics in the Unemployment Movement. In: The Militant, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
Oehler, Hugo
The Election Results. In: The Militant, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
Landau, Kurt
What is Social-Fascism?. In: The Militant, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
A Concrete Program for the Unemployed. In: The Militant, n. 31-3. 01/10/1930
Weisbord, Albert
The Militant, v. 3, n. 30-3. 15/09/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 15/09/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Communist Party in the Elections. In: The Militant, n. 30-3. 15/09/1930
Shachtman, Max
Stalin as a Theoretician. In: The Militant, n. 30-3. 15/09/1930
Trotsky, Leon
Notes of a Journalist. In: The Militant, n. 30-3. 15/09/1930
Problems of the Revolutionary Movement. In: The Militant, n. 30-3. 15/09/1930
Weisbord, Albert
Since Lenin Died. In: The Militant, n. 30-3. 15/09/1930
Cowl, Carl
The Militant, v. 3, n. 29-3. 01/09/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 01/09/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
Vote Communist!. In: The Militant, n. 29-3. 01/09/1930
Shachtman, Max
Bessemer City Strikes Again. In: The Militant, n. 29-3. 01/09/1930
Oehler, Hugo
Problems of the Revolutionary Movement. In: The Militant, n. 29-3. 01/09/1930
Weisbord, Albert
The Communists in the South. In: The Militant, n. 29-3. 01/09/1930
Oehler, Hugo
The Militant, v. 3, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
Notes of a Journalist. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
The Persecution of the Russian Bolshevik Opposition. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
Markin, N
What\u0092s Going On in China?. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
Spector, Maurice
The National Miners\u0092 Union Passes. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 15/08/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Danger of Fascism in Germany. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
Landau, Kurt
The Right Wing Moves Closer to Social Democracy. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
Shachtman, Max
The Communists in the South. In: The Militant, n. 28-3. 15/08/1930
Oehler, Hugo
The Militant, v. 3, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 26/07/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
What Fish Committee Means. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Spector, Maurice
The Unemployed Gather. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Swabeck, Arne
Letter to Revolutionary Age. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Trotsky, Leon
Opposition Progress. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Gordon, S
Concerning the "Defenders" of the October Revolution. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Trotsky, Leon
Notes of a Journalist. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Hypocrisy for Art\u0092s Sake in the New Masses. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Eastman, Max et al
Deeper into the Party!. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Cannon P., James
The Communists in the South. In: The Militant, n. 27-3. 26/07/1930
Oehler, Hugo
The Militant, v. 3, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Revolution in India. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Trotsky, Leon
Capitalist Murder on the Streets!. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Shachtman, Max
The 7th Convention of the Party - a Debacle. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Spector, Maurice
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 12/07/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
Some Stalinist Activities in Czecho-Slovakia. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Frankel, Jan
The Communists in the South. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Oehler, Hugo
The Constituent Assembly and Soviets. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Swabeck, Arne
New York Demonstrates for India. In: The Militant, n. 26-3. 12/07/1930
Spector, Maurice
The Militant, v. 3, n. 25-3. 28/06/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
The Militant - Full edition. In: The Militant. 28/06/1930
Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America
Jobless Millions Must Organize!. In: The Militant, n. 25-3. 28/06/1930
Spector, Maurice
Simon Report Declares War on Revolution. In: The Militant, n. 25-3. 28/06/1930
Shachtman, Max
The Situation Among the Coal Miners. In: The Militant, n. 25-3. 28/06/1930
Swabeck, Arne
A Squeak in the Apparatus. In: The Militant, n. 25-3. 28/06/1930
Trotsky, Leon